Everybody knows somebody who lives in the UK, and according to statistics by the ONS, approximately 221 000 South Africans call it their home. While the weather isn’t as great as in South Africa, there are many other benefits to living in the UK such as it’s close proximity to Europe and the opportunity for travel. Another advantage, of course, is that you’ll be earning pounds.

While many South Africans choose to settle in London and surrounds, many others settle in places like Yorkshire, Birmingham, Bristol and even going as far as Wales.

Even though South Africa has a lot of British influence when it comes to our culture and language, it can be a tremendous adjustment actually to live there. Moving abroad is never an easy decision to make – you’ll be leaving behind everything that’s familiar, friends and family and also the sunshine. By hiring an international moving company for your move to the UK, you can make the process of moving less complicated and spend more time saying goodbye to your loved ones before you go.

Let Movit Mobility uncomplicate your international move

With the high exchange rate between the rand and pound, it’s easy to see why so many people decide to ship their furniture to their new destination. Moving your furniture overseas doesn’t have to be a stressful experience when you can hire professionals like Movit to handle the move for you.

They will manage every last detail, from the moment they step into your home to pack up your belongings to delivering it to your final destination, and everything in between. If you want to move your pets abroad, they can help with that too!

It’s clear to see why so many people use them for their international move to the UK – Movit is reliable with over 50 years experience in the moving industry. They offer a one-stop-shop approach to ensure they cover all the bases.

Get in touch with Movit today and get a free quotation for your move abroad.

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